Hire Investment Advisor for Pensioners

Keep Your Financial Freedom Through the Years

Retirement is a significant life transition. Everyone, whether they are self-employed or have a regular paycheck, wants to feel safe about their future once they stop working.

At age 65, the average lifespan is estimated to be 18.8 years. Thus, people who retire at the customary age will need sufficient resources to cover their living costs for at least another two decades.

If you are a retiree, it is vital to continue growing your wealth for your future needs.

Old woman and man sitting on a bench near the sea

Making investment selections is crucial if you intend to use your pension pool to collect income flexibly (pension drawdown) or withdraw several lump payments.

There are two ways to invest your money: picking your assets (ideally ones that fit your risk tolerance and financial goals) or selecting one of several pre-packaged plans. You might also seek the assistance of a professional financial advisor.

And, frankly, at your age, do you want to brave the perilous waters of investment on your own?

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What Are The Risks of Investing my Pension Pot?

There are several considerations when determining where to put your pension money and how to use it.

Happy old couple
Old couple pensioners

Risk of Your Attitude Towards Risks and Losses

The ups and downs of your savings may be traced back to the amount of risk you are willing to accept with your investments.

Knowing how much risk you are ready to accept is crucial since this will affect the amount of money you may take and how long it will stay.

The Risk of Longevity

People who are 65 years old today may typically expect to live for another 20 years. Although many people will outlive this prediction, it is still realistic.

To put it another way, you’ll need to ensure that you’ll be financially stable for at least the next several years, if not much farther into the future. Statistically, one in ten individuals will live to be 100 years old.

Risk of inflation

Risk of Losing Income

Your money will be worth less over time as a result of inflation. Your purchasing power will decrease even if inflation is modest.

Inflation eats away at the purchasing power of your money over time. Any rate of inflation, no matter how little, will erode the purchasing power of your currency.

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How to Choose an Investment Advisor

We have compiled a detailed checklist to assist you in selecting the most suitable investment advisor for your needs

Validate their credentials.

Verify that any potential financial adviser has up-to-date qualifications and has not been penalised by any regulatory body.

If you’re looking for a financial advisor who deals in insurance products like annuities, your best bet is to contact the state’s insurance department.

Learn About The Costs Involved

Find out if your adviser is getting paid an hourly rate, a portion of your assets, or a commission. If charged annually, fees should be no more than 1 per cent. (Note that this is in addition to the fees charged by mutual funds.)

Be wary of claims of achieving specific results.

Several advisors brag about their success rates. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee of success in the future, regardless of prior performance.

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Obtain References

Inquire about hearing from other clients. You should consider leaving if the advisor is unwilling or unable to offer you any.

Start Keeping Records

Get your financial advisor to state why they think a specific investment is the best option for you.

Numerous financial advisors also produce an “investment policy statement,” which lays out in great detail how they intend to achieve your goals.

Verify That Everyone Is On the Same Page

Your financial advisor should be able to explain any investment to you in a language you can comprehend.

Lastly, we reiterate one of the cardinal investment rules: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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forex process

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Never forget that the terms “high return” and “low risk” are often oxymorons in the world of investing.

In most cases, taking on additional danger in the forms of repayment risk, volatility, or liquidity risk is the only way to increase profits.

In any case, you may lessen the blow by hitting the books. Use the expertise of others, such as financial planners or investment advisers.

These are the investments that Pearl Lemon Invest, a company staffed by financial professionals, suggests for your retirement fund:

Bond Ladders

Since long-term bond prices are more sensitive to rising rates and inflation than short-term issues, a bond ladder is one strategy to keep a bond portfolio theoretically safer and more flexible.

As the name implies, bond laddering entails purchasing bonds of varying maturities. When a bond matures, you can cash it in or use the proceeds toward purchasing other bonds.

To diversify the risk of your bond ladder, you may choose to use bonds from many issuers. Retirees should carefully consider how much of their funds they will need to access quickly for daily necessities and how much they may put in less liquid assets.

Young man analyzing graph stock market trading on digital tablet.
An Investor


REITs, or real estate investment trusts, are companies that engage in real estate by purchasing mortgages or taking outright ownership stakes in buildings.

Since REITs are listed on stock exchanges, they provide investors with a more liquid investment option than traditional real estate

Ninety per cent of a REIT’s taxable income must be paid out to shareholders as dividends, and the return on these payouts is often more significant than that on stock dividends.

Due to their large yields and flexibility in the use of capital, investment vehicles such as these are highly desirable. This investment option may provide a solid return on their money for retirees looking to diversify their income.

For retirees, real estate investment trusts (REITs) can help mitigate the effects of inflation.

Property values tend to increase in tandem with inflation. In turn, this results in more money coming in via rent increases.

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Man using investment platforms on a laptop

Dividend-Paying Stocks

Dividend-paying stocks may be a haven in the otherwise volatile equity market. The dividends from these assets are typically higher than those from more conservative ones, such as certificates of deposit.

There are dangers involved with buying stocks, but dividend payers provide an opportunity to profit independent of the stock price. These companies can help you stay ahead of inflation thanks to their price growth potential and dividends.

Preferred Stocks

Preferred stock is a cross between bonds and stocks; it offers safety and liquidity similar to bonds but with a higher dividend yield and less price volatility.

Preferred shares are a great option for retirees because of the significant dividends they may provide as “one of the best types of investments for generating passive income in retirement.

investment advisor analyzing price data trend graph on laptop in office


To invest in an annuity, you enter into a contract with a financial institution, typically an insurance company. Different types exist, but they all promise a return at a certain pace.

Investing in a fixed annuity ensures the safety of one’s capital, a specified interest rate, and a steady stream of payments for the remainder of one’s life. The costs and commissions associated with purchasing an annuity can add up quickly.

An annuity can significantly alter your tax burden, so it’s essential to take the time to understand the product and any associated tax implications properly.

Have more questions?

Contact us, and we’ll be happy to aid you.


An investment advisor for pensioners is a professional who helps retirees and pensioners navigate the complex world of investments and retirement planning. 

They guide investment strategies, portfolio management, and tax planning and can help retirees make informed decisions about their financial future.

An investment advisor can assist you in creating a personalized retirement plan that aligns with your specific financial circumstances and objectives.

They can help you determine how much you need to save for retirement and create a personalised investment strategy to help you achieve your objectives.

It is recommended to have regular check-ins with an investment advisor for pensioners, at least annually, to review your investments. 

This will help ensure that your portfolio is on track to meet your financial goals and that any changes in your circumstances are considered. Your advisor will also be able to adjust your portfolio as needed to respond to changes in the market.